Showing: 1 - 9 of 9 Articles
soil types and maintenance for herbs 2

Soil Types and Maintenance for Herbs

Soil Types and Maintenance for Herbs Soil is the organic and inorganic substance on the earth’s surface that serves as a growing substrate for plants. Roots can form and spread quickly in good soil, which increases the water and nutrient intake required for healthy and productive plants. Too much nitrogen produces leafy vegetables and leafy …

what is organic gardening 4

What is Organic Gardening?

What is Organic Gardening? Organic gardening is defined as gardening without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. It requires only using natural substances in your yard to develop plants. As it consumes natural resources, organic gardening restores them. It does not rely on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to provide plant nutrients to the plants. …

organic gardening compost and pest control 2

Organic Gardening: Compost and Pest Control

Organic Gardening: Compost and Pest Control Gardeners and others who come across the term “organic gardening” are likely to want to know what it means. Organic gardening is the process of growing plants, vegetables, and fruits in the most natural way possible without the use of pesticides or synthetic chemical fertilizers. What is organic gardening, …

seeds explained

SEEDS EXPLAINED: Heirloom, Hybrid, Organic, and GMO Seeds

SEEDS EXPLAINED: Heirloom, Hybrid, Organic, and GMO Seeds Heirloom, organic, non-GMO, hybrid, open pollinated. What does this all mean? And is there a best type of seed to grow in your garden. This is hands down the question that I get the most when it comes to starting seeds, selecting seeds. And also it’s the …

list of approved pesticides

List of Approved Pesticides for Organic Vegetable Gardening

List of Approved Pesticides for Organic Vegetable Gardening We will list some of the best natural pesticides that are approved by the USDA for organic farming and organic gardening. We will also learn how to use these correctly to get rid of all types of pests in your garden. The pesticides approved in organic farming …